Monday, April 16, 2012

decisions decisions

"Find me now. Before someone else does."
Haruki Murakami, 1Q84

My proper first day of school is tomorrow, but today was a good substitute. I'm still unsure of what Interest Group to join? Hm, photography has a good chance but i'm thinking about taking sports! I know, i'm not a sporty girl. And i hate sweaty people and being sweaty and stinky around other sweaty and stinky people......... But i want to get fit! Maybe i shall join 2 interest groups? Nah! I have commitment issues. I probably won't turn up! Hahaha


I've been having this terrible craving for sweets! Had a brownie with ice cream and hot chocolate for lunch! That isn't very healthy is it? Sigh fat girl troubles!


  1. Why are you dressed up like that ? I thought you are a Muslim

  2. How i dress is none of your business sorry
