Sunday, September 18, 2011

Haunted house?

I have had a wonderful weekend, even though it had some scary bits here and there that i wished i had unseen or unheard, sadly it isn't possible. My best mate, Mutma stayed over the entire weekend and we had so much fun doing nothing but read and have dinner at my dad's restaurant. She was such a sweetheart, because my house has been a little freaky lately, and she stayed over to comfort me in all my loneliness! Also, i have really scary scary stuff to tell you all that freaked the hell out of me. It's about my house. It is the creepiest thing ever and I'd die if i ever had to stay home alone for even one single night! Eeep! 
Maybe i should tell you guys about it another time? I'm still trying to get used to it and i really don't want to freak myself out about it anymore than i already have.. Hm. Please don't laugh about my silliness though, hehe.


P.S; The book i am reading now is by Sherrilyn Kenyon, called devil may cry. Her books are really good reads! I have 3 of her books so far and really enjoyed them. Also, I've gotten Mutma to read one of her books (which was and still is my favourite, called Acheron) and she absolutely LOVES it though it is dreadfully thick. It could be easily mistaken for a dictionary, really! Haha. My friend introduced me to her books. Though we don't speak to each other anymore, I'm glad she had brought S.Kenyon's books to my attention. They bring me so much comfort :)

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